Health Justice

Join the Movement

Everyone — no matter our race, gender, or class — should have access to quality healthcare. 

In North Carolina, working-class people fought hard for over a decade to win Medicaid Expansion, which brought coverage to 600,000 of our neighbors, including so many of us here at Down Home. This win was a result of the hard work and dedication of working people like you who organized, protested, and advocated for better healthcare in our state.

We can’t stop here. We will continue to fight until every member of our community can afford their medications and access the healthcare they need. Everyone in North Carolina should have coverage and be able to access healthcare services and live in healthy, safe communities. . 

If you are passionate about health justice and want to organize with us to make this a reality, reach out to Kate, our Health Justice Campaigner at [email protected].

Members of the Granville chapter celebrate by forming a circle and putting their hands in the middle together

The Future of Health Justice

With the successful passage of Medicaid expansion in North Carolina, we now know what power we have and what we can win. 

Here are some areas we will focus on to ensure health justice for all:

  1. Affordability: Working class folks across race must organize to remove the financial barriers that prevent individuals and families from accessing necessary healthcare. This includes advocating for fair pricing, affordable insurance options, and reducing out-of-pocket costs.
  2. Healthcare Access: Working folks will push for increased access to healthcare services, particularly in the rural areas where we don’t always have healthcare facilities and providers. 
  3. Equity and Inclusivity: We organize working folks across race and gender:  We organize to address racial and socioeconomic health inequities and ensure that everyone receives equal and respectful treatment
  4. Preventive Care: Proactive healthcare, such as regular check-ups, screenings, and education, can save lives and reduce the burden on our healthcare system. We will organize to ensure that preventive care is accessible to all.

Our latest news about health justice: